May 11, 2015

05/11/15...3:50 911 Gangs at the Stanaker Neighborhood Library, Houston, 77011, Sylvia Lydia Morelos, 4:03 p.m., 05/11/15...

05/11/15...3:50 911 Gangs at the Stanaker Neighborhood Library, Houston, 77011

05/11/15...3:31 p.m.

Hi. I am at the

Stanaker Neighborhood Library

611 S-Sgt. Macario Garcia

Houston, Texas 77011

Illegal online surveillance by "patrons", gang members, supportive of Jaime G., H...officer, 911. He has a sister in Los Angeles, and he has given me and others problems up in Sacramento. He is possibly involved with Safe Space at 110 Milby , 77011, Flores Library (FLOWERS, fyi.)

They are also defensive and on the offensive about a report that I am trying to make about a sexual predator who sexually assaulted me on the block of 914 Main street, 77002. I am homeless and they have shown up at night. 911. I sleep by the fountain. I had to leave the Star of Hope, 419 Dowling Street, 77003 because of a death threat, etc. there. I also need to change my mailing address.

OBSTRUCTION of justice and online illegal interference with filing online sheriff's report to the sheriff's office by staff and "patrons" who are threatening that it is gang ridden around this area, neighborhood. JOANNA RUIZ is actually GINA RUBY GONZALES who is using a fake identity to work at the Star of Hope, 419 Dowling Street, Houston, 77003. Joannua made it specifically clear that she wanted my mail to go directly to her only, and she wanted to send me to the Bristow, "before 7 am", and I had to obtain a letter (overnight) the night before (note: I had to have it notarized. SHe said nothing to me and the notary public there gets in during the day. THey are eating up the donations $$$ there, and the plumbing almost fell on top of me, lol, i.e. Water deliberately onto my mat on the floor yestermorning early which woke me up, I spoke to a female police officer about it. I was threatened again because I wanted to get back on my feet and use the public phone. I left earlier today.

I am not going back there. Horrible reputation that the star of hope has. GANG RIDDEN and corrupt. Sex offenders.

White male, in a black sweater/sweatshirt with a zipper, wearing a grey t shirt and dark pants with a cesar hair cut sexually assaulted me this morning at around 4 p.m. I filed a sheriff's report. (follow up).


Sylvia Lydia Morelos
c/o Palmer Station Way
6221 Main Street
Houston, Texas, 77030
713 987 3933

the above is my mailing address.


Joanna Ruiz, is actually Gina Ruby Gonzales, and she is a possible person of interest in AZ (dispatch she worked for, etc.) She has been a gang member since she was 16 years old in El Sereno. 911

I am currently at the Stenaker library. need help. 911.

SYlvia Lydia Morelos

c/o Palmer Way Station

6221 Main Street

Houston, Texas, 77030

713 987 3933

The male

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