March 06, 2015


03/05/15...10:58 a.m. TO MY FEW FRIENDS: I HAVE A PRIVATE MAILBOX AT 914 WESTWOOD BLVD, PMB #189, LOS ANGELES, CA 90024. YOU CAN CALL ME AT 713 987 3933 (VOICEMAIL). I HAVE A CELL PHONE NOW, AND I *WILL* RETURN YOUR CALLS ASAP. THIS IS FOR MY FEW FRIENDS. ONLY NOTE: JOSE ANTONIO MORELOS AND LINA OROZCO HAVE *NO RIGHT TO HOLD MY NEPHEW (NUCLEAR) DENNIS HOSTAGE. THEY HAVE ABUSED HIM IN THE PAST. I DID NOT KNOW TOO WELL, THAT HE WAS MY NEPHEW IN SACRAMENTO, WELLSPRING, 3414 4TH AVE, 95817. THEY HAVE BEEN ABUSING HIM (I WAS AN EYEWITNESS) AND HOLDING HIM HOSTAGE TO THEIR MANIPULATION (MENTAL ABUSE, VERBAL INCLUDED) THEY SHOULD BE ON *PSYCH MEDS 24/7 AND IN SCHOOL TOO, *LEGALLY (THE KIDS, I MEAN). THESE GANG BANGERS KNOW THAT THEY CAN REPORT THEIR ABUSE TO STAFF AT SCHOOL, IT IS A LEGAL REQUIREMENT FOR TEACHERS TO REPORT SUSPICION OF CHILD ABUSE TO THE AUTHORITIES. JEHOVAH WITNESSES DON'T PUT THEIR KIDS IN SCHOOLS. #1 THEY DON'T WANT TO BE CAUGHT FOR CHILD ABUSE. #2 OUR USA LAWS DON'T "APPLY TO THEM." LEGALLY, THEY'RE UP SHIT CREEK. IT IS JUST A MATTER OF CPS DOING ITS HOMEWORK, WELFARE CHECK INCLUDED. DIRTY COPS IN SACRAMENTO INCLUDED, NEED NOT APPLY. THEIR NSA FRIENDS ARE HERE. C. HARRISON AND GONZALES (SACRAMENTO) INCLUDED. KAMALA HARRIS, THE ATTORNY GENERAL OF CALIFORNIA NEEDS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR HER CRIMES. WHISTLEBLOWERS NEEDED. THE WHISTLEBLOWER LAWS WILL PROTECT YOU. SYLVIA LYDIA MORELOS P.S. YOU SHOULDN'T ABUSE MY FAMILY. DENNIS IS THE ONLY FAMILY I HAVE. I HAVE ADOPTED VERONICA IN MY HEART. THAT LITTLE GIRL HAS BEEN THROUGH HELL TOO. LOVE BOTH OF YOU, VERONICA ALSO AS IF SHE WAS MY OWN LITTLE GIRL. THERE IS A STRONG BOND BETWEEN US. NO ONE CAN BREAK IT. LOVE, SYLVIA LYDIA MORELOS. MORE POWER TO MY LITTLE TROOPER, BATKID FROM SAN FRANCISCO. YOU WERE ALSO MY INSPIRATION WHEN I WAS THERE 2 YEARS AGO. VERONICA: I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT. SHE HAS BEEN EXPLOITED BEYOND MEASURE. THIS IS THE ABUSE OF CHILDREN. A LA NSA AND CIA AND JEHOVAH WITNESSES. THE DEMOCRATS ARE EVIL. SO ARE THE TEA PARTY RIGHT WINGERS. EVIL. OBAMA ADMIN. IS EVIL. SYLVIA LYDIA MORELOS DENNIS: YOU HAVE BEEN VICTIMIZED TOO. LEAVE THEM ALONE. LINA AND JOSE ANTONIO MORELOS. BE WARNED. SYLVIA LYDIA MORELOS THEY NEED TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. *REASONABLE FEAR FOR MY LIFE AND THE LIFE OF MY *LOVED ONES. CREDIBLE THREAT BY THE PERPETRATORS. AFTER A WHILE, I *DO HAVE A RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. (SELF DEFENSE *ONLY). 2ND AMMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION, USA. 02/06/15...1:40 a.m. I am now in Santa Monica, Ca. 90403, 90404...and I am also in Westwood, 90024 (UCLA IS MY ALMA MATER), West Los Angeles, and Venice Beach. Maybe Hollywood (Durant Library, sometimes.) /West Hollywood. I am a Libertarian/Conservative (pro Republican --Reagan, George W. Bush, and Rand Paul. No right wing extremists (i.e. the Tea Party extremists!). THE BEST AND BRIGHTEST ONLY!) 12/19/14... For the record, you can call me at 713 987 3933 and leave me a voicemail or Sylvia Lydia Morelos 12/19/14 Sylvia Lydia Morelos, Sarah Frances, 943 10th Ave,#202 San Diego, Ca. 92101 Note: Do NOT contact me: Jose Antonio Morelos, dob 06 06 75, the ULLOAS in Chula Vista/San Ysidro The Gonzales', (maiden name, either with an s or a z), None of the opportunists Rubios, Rene Isaac Rubio especially. I WILL get a restraining order against you, even the ones in Hawaiian Gardens (Lina Orozco, maiden name, and her family/friends), especially Lina Orozco, gossip/troublemaker, wouldn't leave me alone in Sacramento, stalker. Manipulative. I do NOT want to speak to her or to Jose Antonio Morelos, murderer,terrorist. 06/06/75. Lina Orozco is one to take advantage, to prove that she can l. I believe she is associated w gangs. Nortredame ghetto, and other criminal types, no matter what they look like or how they are dressed. They are calling for foreign and domestic instigators, these types. More power to the citizen journalists and activists and, oh, yeah-----> LIBERTARIANS! AND THE CONSERVATIVES (REAGAN AND TEA PARTY), REPUBLICANS!!!! I have a BA from UCLA in Latin American Studies, class of 2003. (note: I went back to UCLA in 2003 as a non-traditional student to finish my degree with 8 units that I had left to do so. I transferred my units from san diego. I continued going to school until 2009, (i.e. I took a Criminal Law class, "A"). I love school. I wrote for the UCLA Daily Bruin in 1997, formerly Viewpoint (now Opinion. Note: if you want to find my columns, you have to actually go to Kerckhoff Hall, to the Daily Bruin office, and ask for their UCLA Daily Bruin archive (Opinion, Viewpoint sections will be in the paper). Their archives date back to the 1920s. I wrote for the Daily Bruin Viewpoint, Spring or Winter quarter, 1997; I wrote 5 columns altogether, 1 every other week. I was a first generation college graduate, I went directly to college right out of high school. (note: I was also accepted to four other colleges, BIG ENVELOPES. :) ) In high school I took AP classes in English, French, Government, U.S. History. I only took the AP Exam for English because I felt confident about it (at the end of the year). I joined the pep squad on the bleachers (not the cheerleaders below, no offense. :) ) I was also president of the Multicultural Club and the Latino Clubs, I was MC for assemblies and I planned multi cultural assemblies (i.e. Philippino club had a routine in which they used bamboo sticks, Mahalna Mahalkita...and no, I am Italian-Mexican, American). I was asked to facilitate a conflict-resolution workshop after the Rodney King riots (there was tension on campus where the kids separated themselves into their ethnic groups). I helped facilitate a conflict-resolution workshop in Spanish (I remember a cheerleader laughing at me because of my "broken" Spanish) in the aftermath of the riots. I was also one of three speakers at my high school graduation in the Sports Arena, 1992. (I was the third one.) At the end of my senior year in high school, I won the Gene Reynolds 222, $4,000 Leadership Award at the Senior Assembly. I also won an award from the African American leadership class, $250, for LEADERSHIP.

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