HMCS Calgary takes part in drug bust 


HMCS Calgary provided support to the U.S. Coast Guard for a drug bust. Two suspected drug smugglers in a small boat were caught off the coast of Mexico with more than $1 million worth of marijuana, a U.S. Coast Guard official told the San Diego Union Tribune on Friday.
The suspects, both Mexican citizens, the boat and 50 bales of marijuana weighing 1,200 pounds were brought to the San Diego Coast Guard station and turned over to immigration and customs officials.
A Coast Guard crew aboard a patrol plane spotted the 35-foot panga about 100 miles southwest of San Diego on Wednesday afternoon, Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Henry Dunphy told the Union Tribune.

HMCS Calgary with a U.S. Coast Guard law enforcement crew onboard joined two U.S. Coast Guard cutters in intercepting the panga.

Photo below taken at the scene is courtesy of U.S. Coast Guard:
Full article here:


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