Fellow Patriot,
Rand Paul is a smart fellow. He gets it. He can see that when Congressmen and Senators go to Washington they get hooked on the power buzz. They start to represent the Establishment and not the Electorate. They think it’s OK to sign away our rights, just so long as they don’t have to do anything to jeopardize their seat. They worry more about reelection than fixing our nation.
So he’s come up with the Washington equivalent of the Nuclear Option. He wants a Constitutional Amendment to limit the amount of time a Representative or Senator can serve in Congress.
As he puts it:
“Long term incumbency leads to politicians who seem to care more about what is best for their career than what is best for their country. With each successive term, politicians grow more and more distant from the people. It is time to put an end to the profession of "career politician," and impose limits on how many times a member is allowed to seek re-election.
In order to address this issue, I co-sponsored S.J. Res.1, along with my colleague, Senator David Vitter (La.). This joint resolution calls for a constitutional amendment which would place a limit on the amount of time a Member of the U.S. House or Senate may serve in office to a maximum of 12 years per chamber. “
So in today’s Freedom Survey we’d like to ask if you agree with Senators Paul and Vitter. Should term limits be imposed through an Amendment to the Constitution, or are you happy with the situation we have right now in which we have “career politicians” who spend their lives in Washington? Please, click through to our Term Limits Survey. It’ll only take a minute.
Yours in liberty,

Executive Director American Liberty PAC