911, relevant to you: RE: My friend request to BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG on FACEBOOK: I think that one of them is hacking into my sites. theyve blocked people, etc. before, including on twitter. They thought that i don't have any friends. I dont talk about them. My mom and abuelita brought me up right. I'm not stupid. "Reasonable fear for our lives or for the lives of our loved ones is a credible threat." They have a track record, criminal. They shouldnt be in shelters, nor working. They dont believe in rules/efficiency. They dont believe in the separation of church and state, and they dont believe in the state. They also dont believe that our laws apply to them. They therefore shouldnt be on American tax dollar welfare nor eby for obvious reasons. they also shouldnt be in state schools (the ula grads, 70504.) they also shouldnt be working in case management nor get funding by the county and state, nor have/keep state jobs, nor be in the military. period. and if our laws/rules dont apply to them, they shouldnt cohabit w the civilized, *esp. in resource ctrs, where those who really need them are weeded out because of who they are or because of what they believe in. they just forced their dog to bark (the technoloy that they are using. bed 3, new bitch. wolf like dog. they are threatening. they dont believe that they are getting the death penalty for their *premeditated crimes. hate crimes. flight risks, 911. they will be fugitives. im at 1001 Polk Street, San Francisco, ca 94109. The Next Door Shelter, off of Geary and Polk street. threats credible. all white racist trash. facilities management is helping them out, including on the outside. clients of las putas here, prostitutes and their getaway friends. accessories to. 911 these bigots have been systematically stalking and have been interfering w my personal space, privacy and Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of *my own Happiness. FYI. Stalking and Rapes are now crimes against humanity. they led to: enslavement-limited mobility dehumanization physical abuse mental abuse murder because of who we are and what we believe in. Please share. halo!...:) made it back home. If I am not online for more than a day, it is not my doing. Chris Guillebeau stalks and rapes/minorities.I know for a fact that he is an ex convict; he did 2 years in prison for arson.Reliable source. He'll say no (expunged.) Just rephrase the question. *wink. Say NO to the Deregistration of Sex Offenders. f y i. It is happening in Houston and in Delaware. Even minors can get deregistered. f y i. did you know that the death penalty is legal in Texas? Do *YOU shit where you eat? duh duh duh. 911 I'm on my way home to 1001 Polk Street, 94109. I m at Peet's Coffee & Tea, ONE CALIFORNIA, 94111 415 593 8960 Please read my tweets asap. Stalking. Jehovah Wtnesses/Sex offenders. Several JW halls. Not all local. www.instantstreetview.co or google earth. I already called the fbi san francisco to report suspicious actitivity here. hating on minorities, LGBTQ included. 911 911 03/07/16...5:46 p.m. An example of Ashly Quinn at the Shelter. You will find the other one at PEET'S Coffee & Tea, ONE CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111. 415 593 8960, earlier today. THE YET OTHER ONE, WHO IS WEARING MAKEUP (PUTTING ON THE RITZ STYLE, making fun of LATINOS, ACCENTS; bragged about making fun of DOLORES HUERTA at ST. Anthony's in the restroom (women's), 150 Golden Gate, 94102, across the street from the Tenderloin Technology Lab, off of Leavensworth and Golden Gate. WHERE ARE THE QUINNS NOW. EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. WHO THE FUCK LIKES THE QUINNS ANYHOW. UGLY DEPRAVE BITCHES IS AN UNDERSTATMENT. MARIANA RUIZ-POSADA IS TOO. ASHLY'S MENTOR, SELF DECLARED. PLEASE SEE YOUTUBE VIDEO, SILENT. I am at peet's coffee. Currently, these are the employees undermining, all males only. 911 03/07/16...5:27 p.m. I don't have to be back at the shelter until 7 p.m. It is 5:27 right now. Shit stalkers. Right now I am at PEET's Coffee & Tea ONE CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 415 593 8960 Host: Jared 03/07/2016 Term#33591 2:40 PM 30591 L COFFEE 2.55 Subtotal 2.55 Tax 2.55 0.00 Ordered Total 2.55 CASH 5.00 Change 2.45 Sign up online or in store for Peet's Email News for free beverage offers, local store events, onlin exclusives. www.peets.com/email ---Check Closed--- 03/07/16....1:23 p.m. 911. DUMB DITZ...DD is here - Google+ plus.google.com call me: 415 203 4026. Please see my twitter account. THEY ARE BREAKING AND ENTERING ONCE THEY USE ILLEGAL TECHNOLOGY INTO SOMEONE ELSE"S HOME, INCLUDING THIS SHELTER. 911. I am leaving within a half hour. I dont trust these shits. 911. My curfew is at 7 p.m. FUCK ASHLY QUINN. HER CLIENTS ARE OUTSIDE, THREATENING ME. I"M NOTHING TO HER. WHORE! SHE"S EYEING THE JEWELRY OF ANOTHER MINORITY VICTIM ON www.worldmarket.com STAY AWAY FROM ASHLY QUINN. YOU ARE AN ENEMY OF THE STATE ONCE YOU FUCK HER; ESPECIALLY IF YOU PAID HER MONEY FOR IT. FYI I DON"T LIE. SYLVIA LYDIA MORELOS (*REAGAN)-ARMSTRONG. Please use www.instantstreetview.com or google earth to see this shits. I have ~$169 in the bank left. need to save. These freaks are going to try to deplete again. They do it consistently every month. HATE CRIMES. WHILE THEY're ON WELFARE. DEPLETE THE VICTIMS RESOURCES (MIORITIES). Please see www.worldmarket.com and do NOT attend their wine shit in a couple of months. unless you want to DIE. Sylvia Lydia Morelos 911 they called me a WETBACK (HONESTY DID, BLACK FEMALE WITH A WALKER, AND CURLS), and bed 40 called me a "YUPPY BITCH" outloud. they were supposed to be 86d according to the rules, ON THE FIRST TIME. DIANA ALMANZA did nothing. 911. Please notice their CLIENTS outside! THESE BASTARDS (MALES) are the ones who solicit them. (THEY ARE CONSTRUCTION WORKERS, FACILITIES MANAGEMENT... LIKE THE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT WHO HAVE KEYS TO DORMS ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES NATIONWIDE. 911 NOW WE KNOW WHERE THE RAPES ON CAMPUSES ARE COMING FROM AND HOW. ULA 70504 is just one. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT CAN GET INTO ANYTHING ON CAMPUS. DORMS INCLUDED. TAKE BACK THE NIGHT, NATIONWIDE. THE ULAs and all of the aforementioned pose a clear and present danger. Esp. genocidal rape (historical). Please check your alma mater too. MINE is UCLA. I let them know WHEN I WA ON CAMPUS RECENTLY. "WE'RE NOT HERE TO GRADUATAE." VERBATIM (THE CURRENT ULAS, 70504.) "OH REALLY." OK. ANd they are walking around in red shirts, etc. EXTENSIONS TOO, JEDI IS ON CAMPUS UCLA. DAVID GRIFFIN IS ONE OF THEM. HE IS ON *SSA. NOT VA. DISHONORABLE DISCHARGE, DAVID GRIFFIN. HE IS WEARING A MARINE CAP AND RED CHECKERED LONG SLEEVE, WALKING WITH A ROLLING CART THAT SAYS "JEDI." HES DANGEROUS. POSSIBLE PIMP. 911. Sylvia Lydia Morelos hi! ESTAS MENDIGAS VIEJAS ME ESTAN SACANDO DE QUICIO. DEPRAVADAS LAS PUTAS PIJURAS. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SEE THEM COMING OUT OF THE BUILDING AT 1001 Polk Street, San Francisco ca 94109 off of POLK AND GEARY. THE COMMUNITY NEEDS TO BE AWARE OF THESE DEPRAVED BITCHES. DIANA ALMANZA IS THEIR FUCKIN LEADER. THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT HOW HER AND HER UNIT PUT SHIT ON THE FACES OF OUR DEAD HEROS DURING THE WAR CRIMES. IVE KEPT IT TO MYSELF; BUT THEY KEEP PUSHING MY BUTTONS MAKING SEXUAL DEPRAVED NOISES. THEY ARE CLAIMING THAT DIANA ALMANZA TOLD THEM TO PUT SHIT ON THE SOLDIERS' FACES AND THAT ONE OF THEM SHAT ON THE FACE OF SOMEONE ON THE GROUND. THEY ALSO CLAIM THAT THEY HAVE COP FRIENDS AND EMT FRIENDS (FIRE DEPT) ON CERTAIN SHIPS. ALICE CHU, ASHLY QUINN AND KELLY QUINN AND KATERINA TSOUCALAS ARE SOME OF THEIR FELLOW WHORES. AS IS MARIANA RUIZ POSADA IN HOUSTON (ASHLY QUINNS LOOK ALIKE, MADAM). 911 er...THIS IS ANOTHER PINTEREST ACCOUNT I HAVE. FYI. ILLEGAL ONLINE SURVEILLANCE OF MY ACCOUNT HAPPENING INSIDE NOW. 1231 Market, 94103. FYI. Chivis IM GONNA LISTEN TO MUZIC NOW. PEACE! s. (RAGE) 03/05/16...REALLY GREAT FOOD, MUNCH HAVEN, http://www.yelp.com/biz/munch-haven-san-francisco FYI...:) I THINK CHRIS GUILLEBEAU WHO USED TO WORK FOR FED EX (HE WROTE THE BOOk THE ART OF NON CONFORMITY." I READ IT; IN IT HE STATES THAT HE WORKED FOR FED EX when he was 18 yrs. old. then he "quit." He likes the homies (COCAINE, next to Transition Projects, across the street from the Amtrak Station, near the Multnomah County Bridge, not too far from GREYHOUND STATION, 97204. FYI. PORTLAND, OREGON. FYI. You SAVED MY LIFE? (SHOCK!) YOU AND JT? (SHOCK) I JUST REALIZED THAT... :( GRRRRR. s. The Portland Police are really cool. wow. (SHOCK). NAME IT. (RAGE) IM HONEST, REMEMBER THAT. CLEAN TOO. Im down to earth. RAGE. I OWE YOU. BIG TIME. AND JT. LOVE YOU GUYS TO DEATH. IM FUCKIN FURIOUS. LOVE PORTLAND POLICE TOO. RAGE. s. 03/05/16...Halo! Love you too. BILLIE xoxo/GREENDAY... https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=starbucks%2C%2094102&tbs=lf:1,lf_ui:4&rflfq=1&rlha=0&tbm=lcl&rlfi=hd:;si:1483430252145592827 You handsome hero, you. :) Love, Chivis. I love JT. He's been one my bff for 4 years. Missed him. :( I'm his fag hag. :) He is 100% gay. NOT BI. "Just" gay. :) Fuck the white supremists. :) He's family to me. He doesn't know it. (sad) :) Love you guys too. Chivis My curfew is at 7 p.m. I can easily walk up back to 1001 Polk Street, San Francisco, ca 94109. Off of Geary and Polk Street. The Next Door Shelter. :) Love, Chivis :) http://www.theguardian.com/news/2002/apr/10/guardianobituaries.filmnews 911: FYI!!! http://www.theguardian.com/news/2002/apr/10/guardianobituaries.filmnews Pobre Gonzales' LOURDES Infiltrated. She was "adopted" by my grandmother. little shit never let her forget: green dress (envy) with the Sandino bun on her ghetto ass. she was a freak at 6 yrs old. My grandmother shouldn't have taken her. She had my mother and grandmother raped and murdered. Gina killed her biological father. f y i. Not a joke. Unfortunately for her, he *really loved her. ..they had the fuckin nerve to mock him (his pain on his face,,MY DAUGHER KILLED ME!!!) as he *fell all the way down. They s-showed it to me. He was really nice; once you kill you parents, it's all downhill from there, motherfuckers! Chivis. Now I'm in a bad room. Did you do *YOUR 4:21 yet? i.e. me? INFANTICIDE, MATRICIDE, MURDER OF JESSIE, THEFT? 4 Rubios 2 Quinns 1 "Morelos". (NOT MY REAL BROTHER; HE WAS PRODUCT OF RAPE; BRED BY HIS REAL DAD< MATRAIRIE PYSCH WARD MH WORKER. HAS HIS NOSE; FREAKED ME OUT; HE'S ISLAM. THEN JOSE RAPED MY MOM, GAVE HER HEPATITIS C, "INFECTION IN MY CHEST." SHE SAID TO ME LATER ON OUT LOUD. I KEPT MY MOUTH SHUT FOR A REASON. 911/ fyi. DON TRUST D A. EVIL. RUMORS? SHE HAS HER WAR CRIMINALS FRIENDS GIVEN FREE RESOURCES. A LA TIT FOR TAT. FYI. Chivis. This picture captches my attention: the face (my grandmothers, Ernestina Ulloa Orozco, dob 08 14 28 from Jalisco, Mexico; aka MARIA FELIX. http://theredlist.com/media/database/muses/icon/cinematic_women/1950/maria-felix/015-maria-felix-theredlist.jpg Gov. Christie is very cool. Thank you to Gov. Christie. :) hint. :).Let's just say..there AREN'T GEFFEN WHORES!!! NEITHER ONE OF THEM ... http://theredlist.com/media/database/muses/icon/cinematic_women/1950/maria-felix/015-maria-felix-theredlist.jpg https://www.google.com/search?q=maria+felix&biw=1366&bih=657&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjn1OX4parLAhVS9mMKHdrLDZsQ_AUIBigB Maria Felix was my grandmother: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=Maria+Felix Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Age_of_Mexican_cinema My mom has AMELIA EARHEART's smile. Interesting lineage we have. We're realated to her, possibly. :) Chivis. They tried to get my attention: admirers of AMELIA EARHEART (HISTORIANS t be specific.) FYI. I love you, Billie. Greenday. Hugs. :) Chivis. STEAK AND EGGS? If it is open on a Sat. Otherwise I guess I will go to Subway. Mierda miserable. Lots of people loved the people I'm related to, me thinks. Governor of California, President of the USA, Mr. Ronald Reagan. He was a good man; good President.Passed away without the witch. My mom was also SAMantha on Bewitched and Endora; we watched bewitched all the time, growing up. As well as I Dream of Jeannie, the Brady Bunch, Laverne and Shirley and I Love Lucy. con mi abuelita: Tin Tan, Maria Felix, Pedro Infante, Sabado Gigante, BIG BAND MUSICO, CANTINFLAS, Golden Age of Mexican Cinema: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=Mexican+actors%2Factresses%2C+50s JUST BECAUSE I DONT SAY NOTHIN, DOES NOT MEAN I DONT KNOW NOTHIN. TRANSPARENT # TRANSPARENT. FYI. I love you. BIllie. :) *blush. I should be so privileged. :( :) hee hee. :) DID YOU OR DID YOU *NOT GET MY MONKEY!!! ARGH!!! THE COLORFUL YELLOW ONE THAT LIKES TO *T-THROW KISSES AT YOU!! I DELIBERATELY LEFT IT FOR YOU with a beatiful little cross around it's necK (vintage like); I also left it with a little note. IS IT STILL SITTING IN FRONT OF A SLOT MACHINE IN NEW ORLEANS. ARGH! :( Y-you c-can't say i did n-not try. (*small voice.) a-gain. :) TIE A YELLOW RIBBON, i did! off of Congress and Polk, 70501. I love you, adorable you. :) surely you jest if you think I'm kidding. :) Love, Sylvia (you can call me chivis.) :) So Love Chivis. Love Greenday too. I can see clearly now, the rain/reign is gone. I can *see all obstacles in our way. Bright sunny day! "Walk it like you own it." i was told once.To be a law abiding citizen, or some one else who has aleady paid their dues, in a country as a free citizen. This is *OUR country. hence: "Walk it like you own it!." Life Liberty and the *Pursuit of Happiness, It's over. GAMEOVER!!! ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, oct 09 2015. Tha Man in the High Castle NO MORE. MHS SOUTH---> FUCK YOU. Demon be gone. FYI!!! Sylvia Lydia Morelos (REAGAN.) Going to get ready for lunch. FYI I hope that you guys are well. :) FYI. Gonna buy your ... :) Syl I hope you receive the UCLA basketball. Belated birthday gift. I LOVE PLAYING BASKETBALL. I am also very down to earth. so *no worries. :( :) Chivis So yeah, i was brought up to think for myself. TOR does the complete opposite. KRISTOFF FER!!! "WHAT DID I DO TO JESSIE *BECAUSE YOU MADE FUN OF ME!!! ARGH!!!!!'---> CHRIS GUILLEBEAU, the ex con who expunged his ARSON felony record; he did hard time for 2 yrs on that alone. According to local detective.NO comment. FYI!!! So my mom was CIA/NAVY. MILITARY. INTELLIGENCE. MY DAD WAS TOO. FBI. FORMER POLICE OFFICER (FIRST). I LOVE IT! :) CHIVIS (me. Sylvia Lydia Morelos *REAGAN). My mom told me she was called CHIVIS when *she was a kid. BY MY GRANDMOTHER. :) Yeah, they were *very close. :) RAPED TOO. BONO AND HIS GANG RAPED MY MOM IN HIGH SCHOOl. WE DID OUR HOMEWORK in east los angeles. Rape happened. Probably to my grandmother too. They moved to westwood. I was born later. In westwood, 1974. at UCLA medical center, 90024.. It is on my birth certificate. The one that Frederick J Paul stole directly off of the bed when he got back from his week long trip to Dallas? " Kicked me out then. It was not on the bed when I turned my back again. Glad I put it on youtube. I also got it as a replacement from OPERATION ID, in houston. It only took a couple of weeks. My ca id was already stolen (ANA AYALA AND FRIENDS.) Guess what address is on there. The sanctuary's. The one I replaced here. WITH THE LOCAL ADDRESS TO THE SANCTUARY. 07/2013. I am also 5'7". WITHOUT HEELS. FYI!!! SO! THESE WOMEN DONT DIVORCE! INHERENTLY I THINK EVERYONE KNOWS THAT. SHE WORE RED ON THE DAY OF HIS INAUGURATION. "THAT CAN"T BE REAL" I THOUGHT. HE DID NOT FLINCH WHILE HE MADE HIS OATH. THAT CANT BE REAL. MY GRANDMOTHER WALKED AWAY. SHE CALLED MY ABUELITA "WHAT, SHE YOUR WHORE? THE MEXICAN BITCH?" EQUAL TO. WHen I was in Lafayette, their pirujas could not even "get *THAT right! SHE WAS NOT [RONALD REAGAN'S] WHORE! SHE WAS HIS SISTER [BIOLOGICAL] YOU STUPID BITCHES!" BACKWARD. LAFAYETTE, LA IS THE MOST BACKWARD CITY IN THE NATION. MY MOM WAS RAPED THERE YEARS AGO. IN THE SHERIFFS, POSSIBLY CELL D. SAME ONE. *FYI. Syl 03/05/16...I call her the regan divorcee. note: the salvation army bitches tend to hold on for dear life. They don't divorce! THEY KILL!! CHIA !!! SO!!. SUFFICE IT TO SAY...MR RONALD REAGAN DIVORCED THE PSYCHO BITCH...NANCY DEMENTED! NANCY DEMENTED. SHE BOWED OUT. HE WAS GRACEFUL ABOUT IT. WHERE ARE WE NOW? *wink. I think that I am going to skip st anthony's. less stressful. I will go eat elsewhere. er...I will go back to where i went to yesterday. next to subway or at subway. fyi. probably around 12. I can take a shower later. these bitches are like fuckin roaches... fumigadas. *wink. 03/05/16...11:06 a.m. My mom married my dad, Charles Bronson. He was 30 years her senior. She liked older men. DEATH WISH. *wink. HAVE YOU SEEN 10 to MIDNIGHT YET? ARGH! mom? me? Hrm. :) Yeah, my mom liked older men. They made a nice couple. SALVATION ARMY BITCHES HATED IT. NANCY DERTHICK. NANCY FORMER R/EAGAN, THE FUCKIN DIVORCEES. She married (salvation army) into my great grand uncle, MR RONALD REAGAN. HE WAS FORMER GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA BEFORE HE BECAME PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. ..w-where are we? Sometimes you gotta wonder! William Jackie Rhodes was 20 years my senior. He was born on 07 01 54. I was born on 04 20 74. He may still be living at 5883 Streamview Drive, #3, San Diego, CA 92105. His phone number is 619 504 9514. HIS SISTER, WHOM HE HAS PURPORTEDLY BEEN FUCKING (PERPS TALK HERE), IS SISTER JEAN---> PEPPER MASHAY. HOMOPHOBE. She is his direct BIOLOGICAL SISTER. He also attend OPCC, Ocean Park Community Center, 92105. FYI!!! HIS PEOPLE ARE HERE TOO. HE'S STALKED ME BEFORE. 911 1001 Polk Street, 94109 off of Geary and Polk. THAT bitch is letting all kinds of shits in here. THEY REMARK: GLIDE! ITS GLIDE MAKING THE RESERVATIONS! 330 Ellis off of TAYLOR AND ELLIS. "WE ARE *RADICALLY INCLUSIVE. WE ARE A WELCOMING COMMUNITY..." FUCK YOU. Sylvia PLEASE FIND HER SHIT ON YOUTUBE. FYI!!! GUILLEFORDPRESS.COM 03/05/16...They're erasing shit on here, remote admin. MonkeyBrains.net Some bitches here on the 4th floor are invovled. 911 911--> This is my history page on my youtube CHANNEL: SYLVIA LYDIA MORELOS https://www.youtube.com/feed/history FYI! SORRY, SO SORRY ABOUT BEFORE. ESTA MIERDA'S FAULT. P-PLEASE FORGIVE ME. IT"S BEEN PAINFUL. I ADMIRE YOU SO MUCH. THEY KNEW THAT FROM THE GETGO. One thing I heard; they don't like BIllie not responding the way he usually does: reactionary and his weakness is Women. F Y I. "AH look at him; he's not responding like he usually does because of THAT *BITCH (me)." Violence is Power to them. They thrive off of it. Dejales con la mendiga baba en la boca. *wink. And then their are your *talents. Empower what you're good at; unbeknownst to them. So obviously me "Knowledge is Power." They Kill us. VP off of the KP ANGELA DAVIS was there---> PA Note: Do your homework on fundamentalists and misoginy. Wikipedia is where I started. (ANNOTATED BIB. FYI.) According to wikipedia: the jehovah witnesses originated in PENNSYLVANIA. etc. THey even have a pic of the prick (leader) in a red checkered shirt. The JWs also do not believe in govt. nor in the military; therefore, they are the VPs = WAR CRIMINALS. WCs. Their MPs included, WC= MC TREVOR TIMM MP= MICHAEL JUAN/MICHAEL JACKON= CR SAN DIEGO, COMMUNITY RESEARCH FOUNDATION, MJ was admin at 619 427 4661, Southbay Guidance Center, in Chula Vista. He put the head admin them on a pedasta, white male taller than him.. these fuckers know about psychological abuse. MKultra andCointelpro was FEINSTEIN. DONALD TRUMP. NETANYAHU. William "BILL" REITH, 10606 Loch Lomond Drive, 90606. William Jackie Rhodes was dishonrably discharged from the navy (when I was dating him, he claimed it was due to mental illness. I did not pick up the fact back then that he is ON SSA. NOT ON VETERANS BENEFITS, VA.) ANA AYALA IS AN ILLEGAL. F Y I.. GENE APODACA is also a "19 yr" vet. I went out w him 1 time when i was 31 years old; 2004. I remember the hoopla in 2004 in San Diego. Are you guys from san diego too? I am from Los Angeles but I lived in San Diego from 2001 - 2012. I got on disability because the fuckin illegals (LOMELIs shits) and his extremists friends (BEGINNING AT UCLA), would not leave me the hell alone. They followed me all the way to La Junta, co. I decided to bail let 90s early 2000? I had my own $$. Savings. I had never been on welfare. It's my own hard earned $$$. I was brought up that way, earning my keep, keeping 20$ in case of an emergency on me, and my mom also taught me how to clean, wash by hand, take the bus everywhere, pick up Jessie from school, I was 12, and bring him back home (on the bus), etc. The only thing that she conscientiously did NOT teach me...is how to cook. I've looked at this lately. But I can cook; grandmother. My abuelita was my legal guardian after my mom wanted me with her from age 14-18. Then I took off to UCLA. :) Everything I do is authentic. NOTE!!!: Please do not let ego (iff applicable) get in the way. Never discount your experience and/or professionalism iff applicable. It's like they KNOW who we are. THEY ARENT stupid. They know we stand out for example. "COP!" On more than one occasion, and even unbeknownst to me, "SHE"S HERE TO CLEAN HOUSE!" W T F? are you talking about? (GENUINE.) i.e. 2013, here in San Francisco. I learned the ropes. I've been in the CHANGES system since 07/2013. My fingerpring brought my info up. All of our fingerprints are already in the system. And the system is citywide. here, I meet my basics. They've taken them on more than one occasion, illegally. 4 landlords, still stalking. Either with the salvation army, the sacramento downtown project and CRAIG KIRKWOOD (I met him through my other roommate NANCY HO, Korean, my freshman year in college; we played spin the bottle in the living room; all three of us. Then he left. I'm hearing rumors; he was Nancy's Friend not mine. Never saw him personally after that, on my account. From a distance, crossing the street, etc. He was a theatre major at UCLA at the time; said to us that his mom was in the ACTORS/DIRETORS guild. THen I noticed him on tv with his braids. THEN I noticed that he was the 2nd credit on REMEMBER THE TITANS,after DENZEL WASHINGTON playing a preacher. SO when i was going to see the SRO at MIDTOWN MANOR, 515 2st street, #4, 95811, I noticed the car parked in the parking lot with the bumper sticker (KIRKWOOD) on it. They were mocking me. When the sacramento downtown project showed me my room (the one on YOUTUBE where I am talking about STARBUCKS with a PINK paper bag; yes. they took it down because of me:I walked into another one on capitol across from the ...on the corner, i bought another one, to me: "IGNITE THE WARMTH!!"... FUCK YOU. I thought. AND THEN THERE IS THE CARD WITH THE 9 'KYKE' CANDLES... and then.... F Y I! my mom taught me a lot; left an impression. KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! (THEY WILL USE IT AGAINST YOU WHEN YOU GET OLDER.) I was in the 3rd grade. :) MY MOM WAS *NOT CRASS. ARGH!!! TETAS "SHE *SAID TE TAS." BOOBS. FUCK YOU. I SAID. SHE MEANT THIS: T, ETA, S. DUMB FUCKS, I TOLD THEM. ETA with the upside T at S. FYI! SHE MADE YOU BELIEVE SHE WAS CRASS YOU LITTLE SHIT. SHE WAS ANYTHING BUT. *EPIPHANY TO ME: *GLOATING: I LOVE MY MOMMY!!!! :) SHE LOVED ME SHE LOVED ME! (*cry). :) *blush. Yeah, the stuff she did sometimes. To throw people off. Jose Antonio Morelos once told a teacher at Lockwood Elementary School that "my mom burned her arm [right arm]." My mom wasn't happy about it. It's a birthmark on my right arm, a strawberry birthmark. Normal. Some people have it on their face, side of; some people have it on their leg. It's just a birth defect. Normal. It is NOT STEM CELL GONA AWRY. ARGH!!! I can only imagine! ARGH! S. They also hated my grandmother, Ernestina Ulloa Orozco, aka MARIA FELIX, dob 08 14 28, from *JALISCO, MEXICO. OJOS TAPATIOS. *wink. ...so their women (pirujas); they also can't stand on their own two feet; it's their religion. Their women knowingly accept that they are their foot stools; I figured that one out. THEIR WOMEN CANNOT SUPPORT THEMSELVES. WITHOUT A MAN. PERIOD. So getting their asses beat they like; they are into SADO-MASOCHISM S&M ...So they abhor me. I'm not into MISOGYNI. PERIOD. ALL OF THEM ARE. "YOU DONT KNOW YOUR PLACE, *BITCH." THEM. "...DAMN STRAIGHT ASSHOLE! I"M IN THE US, Prick!" ...I may b-be a nerd; high school. But I aint nice when it comes to RACISM AND BIGOTRY. "They're calling me a WHAT? (white supremist?). DO they even know what I did in high school? LAHS." AT 15 I was pres. of two clubs: THE LATINO CLUB AND THE MULTICULTURAL CLUB, two different years. Andaba de CHINA POBLANA man! at like 16! okies? *wink. I did the same thing in college at ucla; at the end of my first year, I was taking a dance of mexico class (david maldonado -senior- and raul payan lomeli, also a freshman) were both in my class. 03/05/16...11:04 a.m. They thought that I liked Older men; my mom married my father CHARLES BRONSON; he is quite a bit older. WIlliam Jackie Rhodes is 20 years my senior, He was born in 1954. I was born in 1974. Gene Apodaca is also older. Not the smartest bunch. THEM. *wink. At the end of that year...? I put on a china poblana outfit again. The braids and the whole bit. I wasn't t-thinking. Needless to say. Dra Miranda was really nice. I loved her. She was the dance professor. too cool. (*I c-can only imagine. IN RETROSPECT.) I heard that people found out that I was being watched across the street at BUNCHE HALLE doing the electric slide by myself my freshman year. ARGH. Okay dokie ka raoke. ...and then there is them. ...huh? S. 03/05/16...10:13 a.m. LET'S CLEAN HOUSE!!!! ---> FYI!!!! Yeah, I've been dealing with these perps for many years. (Total concentration and contro; these perps are watching a Charles Bronson movie. FYI.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkN2IBFxHRk LET"S PURGE TOO!!!---> :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkN2IBFxHRk I'm @sylviamor1974. CRIMINALS NEED NOT APPLY. GREENDAY/BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG ARE *NOT CRIMINALS. DONT FUCK W ME AGAIN;YOU PERPS TEND TO STALK ME ONLINE (CYBERSECURITY) ISSUES; ONCE YOU GET ONTO MY TWITTER ACCOUNT, YOU ARE *STAYING THERE. THAT ACCOUNT IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC; YOU HAVE TO ASK MY *PERMISSION TO GET ON THERE. IF YOU'RE LYING ABOUT WHO YOU ARE, *YOU'RE *MY *BITCH. YOU ALREADY KNOW THE WAY I AM; THAT IS WHY YOU ABHOR ME. AUTHENTIC 100%. I'VE NEVER BEEN OTHERWISE. HAPPY WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH TO THE REST OF YOU. WORLDWIDE. CHRIS GUILLEBEAU WANTS TO COMMIT MORE HATE CRIMES AGAINST MINORITY WOMEN THIS MONTH DOES HE THAT LITTLE SHIT. KEEP THE FUCKIN PEACE ASSHOLE. ITS THE LAW, PRICK. (HE/MADE WOMEN'S MONTH AN ISSUE. *ALL MONTH, THEY SAID. MYSOGINIST PIGS. CONSIDERING MY TRACK RECORD AND THE TRACK RECORD OF MY MOTHER (SGT. LT. SYLVIA LETICIA GARCIA, DOB 10 29 56, FROM *TORREON, COAHUILA MEX., SHE WAS FORMER C.I.A AND NAVY (AIR); SHE ALSO LIKE OLDER MEN (CHARLES BRONSON WAS MY DAD.) F Y I. CHAD IS MY IV LINE (*WINK.) CH AD CH IV IS (ME). FYI. CH ARLES BRONSON. CH IVITA. LOS QUE TIENEN EL 'DON' DE SYLVIA. I.E I noticed this off of DON'S SEAFOOD off of VERMILLION AND LEE, 70501, lafayette, la, when I was stranded there because rubio and william jackie rhodes, dob 07 01 54, claimed he was from muncie, indiana "I have a friend names bula," years ago when I was dating him for 4 years; ended up fat, at 206 because of depakote; i didn't need it.I was trying to keep up w the jones' )(i was joking at the time, i.e. needed to keep up w my disability $$) LITTLE DID I KNOW. REAGAN. My mom and abuelita kept me out of the loop. They wanted me here. FYI. They got to Jessie. "(those) (were) (the) G(ood) O(ld) D(ays.)" When I spoke to him over the phone in San Diego, when he lived on E street, in an independent living in chula vista, he'd think of mom and that is what he said to me once." THOSE WERE THE *GOOD OLD DAYS." SWEETHEART. He was the noblest person I know, my baby brother. (Biological; different dad.) RENE LURED HIM TO LONG BEACH; with his shit daughters isabelle and her youngest sister and their baby mama, the one fucking kleon, austin. argh. the shit I know. At arm's length. *don't get c-close to them. Not necessary. Eliminates from the getgo. And it has been excruciating, at arm's length. fyi! The public is intelligent. POP CULTURE, they made the US History books and made the obama admin. look like shit, the worst dumbest, etc. worse record of human rights abuses, i.e. Carter "The international human rights abuses under the Obama admin alone are the worst." !!! here, nationally, too. We are at DEMOCIDE, "ladies and gentelmen." FYI!!! Sylvia Lydia Morelos *REAGAN. They are desperate now. Sensationalizing suits them. Staying calm and observing from a distance is important. Report to feds accordingly. THe rest of us know what we're doing. We've been dealing with them for years. THey also know that I am not armed, nor do I know self defense physical. And they come at me even harder. Like, in motor vehicles. ARGH! I know how to use techno. They fear my pre paid cell. "You didn't tell me she still has her phone on her! SHE CAN STILL CALL FOR HELP!" and they walk away. Because of my cell. Someone saved my life, me thinks. VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. The community knows what's going on; before I was 86d from 13th and mission, I was walking down the street, and a male advised me to buy a cell phone, i did not have one one me. plenty of witnesses. Works like a charm, *911. Akin to. :0 I'm not being manipulative; I tend to tolerate (understatement) quite a bit. It's surreal how backward these shits are. they come at us when we are weak, vulnerable and have our backs turned or sideways. "we're not stupid Sylvia!" --> ANA AYALA. my identity thief. I'm built a certain way; I've always been calm by nature. Disposition. I am also educated (I have a BA from UCLA, LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES, something they HATE. So..." IT'S *NOT *REAL!." ARGH! 03/05/16...10:10 a.m. I am now in the tv room on the 4th floor. I want to take a shower, and it is usually to no avail. It's like pulling teeth just trying to get my basics met.In the meantime, preferential treatment for ALMANZA, DIANA's criminal snitches, etc. 911/f.y.i. I will go to lunch at st. anthony's. fyi. 03/05/16...10:08 a.m. I just bought this: Just in case they try to steal: they broke my STORY CORP CD; fyi. Thank you for your order! Your order confirmation will be sent to you at sylviamor1974@gmail.com. Purchase Information Billing Address Sylvia Lydia Morelos c/o The Hospitality House 290 Turk Street San Francisco CA, 94102 United States Shipping Address Sylvia Lydia Morelos c/o The Hospitality House 290 Turk Street San Francisco, CA 94102 United States Payment Method VISA Last digits: ************2480 Expiring 09/19 ORDER TOTAL: $8.99 (Plus sales tax where applicable) Order Summary Description Format Price Quantity Total Entertainment Weekly October 9, 2015 Item number: #EW20151009 GAME OVER! Format $4.99 1 $4.99 Subtotal $4.99 Shipping & Handling $4.00 (Plus sales tax where applicable) Total $8.99 Facebook Twitter Google PlusPinterest Tumblr Copyright © 2014 Entertainment Weekly Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our TERMS OF USE and PRIVACY POLICY. YOUR CALIFORNIA PRIVACY RIGHTS. FAQ I also found these last year: Entertainment Weekly, October 09, 2015 issue: (Please see the end to the last re: white supremacy. "What if the world as we know it..." then the back cover. FREEDOM IS UNDER CONTROL..."THE HELL IT IS..(ON FILM; MY CAMERA...*wink. Sylvia Lydia Morelos (*REAGAN)). Wow. :) Pop Culture. So they go and do the following; Please see leavensworth and golden gate next to 150 Golden Gate, 94102 "THIS IS *OUR POP CULTURE." THEY treatened, the ones in the camera. More pops? FYI!! Syl https://backissues.ew.com/storefront/2015/game-over-/prodEW20151009.html halo. *blush. :) This Battleborn video was made ~2 years ago? I was speecheless when I first saw it. I was also in Houston, at the Downtown Library: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzhFKgdaurM I saw this one this year: Battleborn Character Introductions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0SE_fhI1N8 JEDI JEHOVAH WITNESSES EPISCOPAL NON-DENOMINATIONAL UN-INCORPORATED. ALL SEX OFFENDERS. 911 YOU WILL PROBABLY FIND THE ULAS, 70504 on campus meetings with these godforsaken churches. 7th day adventists and scientologists included. 911 they need to be shut down. 911 "we're not here to graduate." they said. Pop Culture. :) What people are writing about. Very Cool. :) 911. "Man on the floor." TWO BLACK MALES NOW SHOWED UP FACILTIES MANAGEMENT TO INTIMIDATE. PLEASE CHECK MY CELL; THE FEDS ALREADY HAVE MY SIM CARD. I AM PUTTING MY YOUTUBE VIDS BACK ONLINE; THE HAVE GIVEN ME PLENTY OF REASON TO: HATE CRIMES. THEY WILL GET SOMETHING IN RETURN FROM DIANA ALMANZA TODAY TOO. $$$. BLOOD $$$. 911
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ban MARCO ANTONIO SOLIS. He was involved from the getgo, with my mother and with my grandmother. He is also the following: Mitty Romney Marco Antonio Solis (varations thereof) MR MS (and variation thereof.) FYI!
Greetings and Salutations! Can't figure out my password for Google just yet. Dilemma Dilemma. Staying in San Francisco,CA. Dealing with perps on the 4th floor of the Larkin Library, across the street from Burger King. Safe space is across the street.
Chicken tenders on the window. ULA, 70504. fyi.
Greetings and Salutations! Can't figure out my password for Google just yet. Dilemma Dilemma. Staying in San Francisco,CA. Dealing with perps on the 4th floor of the Larkin Library, across the street from Burger King. Safe space is across the street.
Chicken tenders on the window. ULA, 70504. fyi.